29:43duration 29 minutes 43 seconds
Ultrasound Artefacts Pertinent to the Nephrologist
From John Houder
51:02duration 51 minutes 2 seconds
Nephrology Ultrasound Quiz
49:16duration 49 minutes 16 seconds
Basics of Bedside Echo
29:52duration 29 minutes 52 seconds
Ultrasound Artefacts Pertinent to the…
Ultrasound Artefacts Pertinent to the Nephrologist (old)
Nephrology Ultrasound Quiz (Old)
14:40duration 14 minutes 40 seconds
Twinkle Artifact for Detection of Stones
Basics of Bedside Echo (Old)
27:02duration 27 minutes 2 seconds
Lung Ultrasound Interpretation - The Basics
47:50duration 47 minutes 50 seconds
Introduction to Doppler Ultrasound
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